Audio Blog
Audio Blog 〰️
You ever have one of those months where every little thing seemed a bit off? That was pretty much the past month I experienced! The good news is that I’m alive and well and moving on. The bad news is because I was preoccupied with so much “odd” stuff, I didn’t have time to devote to finding anything new to talk about. In any case expect a lot of rehashed recommendations this month. I mean it’s not much different than my usual stuff admittingly, but it’s definitely more non-sequitur than I would like.
As someone who resides in California, I was a part of the great “hurriquake” that literally lasted one day. I’m not here to say that there wasn’t damage done and some folks seriously got impacted by the event… but I’m also saying this weather event was pretty overblown in the news the world over. Someone gave me a great metaphor for southern California in regard to rain, as it was kind of similar to a man who hadn’t taken a shower in a year and then did so. It’s certainly a notable event, but it’s also not really that groundbreaking in context to extreme weather in other parts of the world. Either way, I got quite a bit of rain in my area and some trees lost a third of their branches. But that’s it! Ironically enough, the week right after we got a heat wave that dried everything out. Such is life.
I’ve said this in the past, but WHANG is literally everything in a YouTube channel I always wanted to be if I had talent, success, drive and luck. I just wanted to re-recommend the content since it’s great to go down these strange internet rabbit holes that take life a little bit less serious. Given how strange things have been lately in my neck of the woods, it’s almost cathartic seeing my life largely still mundane and boring in comparison to the stories he talks about. If you’re expecting a lot of drama and memes from his videos; you’ll probably be disappointed. He actually approaches the strangeness in a levelheaded way. A good channel for “boomers” trying to keep their head above water culturally, I guess.
One of the biggest games to be released this year is Starfield and it really needs no introduction at all. I’m only bringing it up on my blog for metrics (every little bit helps) and also to remind common plebs out there (like myself) that the game will be available to play on September 6th 2023 globally. Every influencer under the sun and rich person will have access to the game starting September 1st; so be weary of spoilers and gameplay footage if you want the “naked” experience of going into the game blind. By the time you read this blog, official reviews should be plastered all over the internet.
I think I’m not alone to say that the recent inflated prices of absolutely everything as of late is quite concerning. My wife and I were going over our monthly expenses on what we were spending on, and we took a moment to humorously look back at what we used to spend on when we were younger. Of such things were anime figurines. That’s not to say that we don’t continue to spend on such things and hobbies, but we definitely don’t spend as much as we used to. What caught me off guard in doing some surface level research on recent figures is that their quality and price has gone up exponentially. I remember clearly buying figures “back in the day” for about $70 ~ $120 max. We’re talking shipped to my door prices too, not just sticker. So seeing inflation take its toll alongside the dramatic increase in workmanship in newer releases really makes me want to get back into the hobby one day… that is of course if I can get a winning lottery ticket. Just for those unaware, a regular “burger combo” here in California averages $10.
Artist is FiRez
This month’s artist of the month is FiRez. I made a blurb a few months ago about how AI art isn’t really “quite there” yet since it too heavily relies on human feedback rather than organic creativity. FiRez style is exactly what I enjoy in good o’l fashioned human talent. Please check out his Patreon and support him if you like his work; he also has a lot of public samples on his DeviantArt.