Audio Blog
Audio Blog 〰️
I’m in the middle of a random heatwave right now in California, so the topics this month are going to be random as well for the heck of it! As always, the videos below are going to be mostly via YouTube so if you have trouble watching it from your region of the world; please look into a VPN on accessing the content. I have no sponsorships from anyone so use whatever works.
I made a vow and promise in 2023 that I wasn’t going to bitch much about YouTube this year. I’m upholding that rule, so let’s make this brief. YouTube sent me another cryptic notice about community standards WITHOUT specifically stating any particular rule I broke or have broken. This is a running theme with YouTube and folks who tow the line like myself but don’t go out of their way to break the rules. In essence, YouTube is trying to muscle me off the platform but taking away my ability to do certain things piece by piece. Even more questionable is that they want me to “verify” my identity to re-enable or grant special features, which seems like a super passive-aggressive way of trying to blackmail me with my own personal information. If someone really didn’t like me right now for example, worst case scenario they would be directed to my website. If I “verified” myself to YouTube, there would be a lot more private information they have. To close this out, I want to remind everyone that I have never intended to make or have made a single cent from my YouTube channel (and at this point probably never will). I hope the few folks that read this remember the Kickstarer I attempted last year in November moving forward, and why I would really like this site to explode in content and ability if possible.
Final Fantasy is one of the most known jRPG franchises across the entire planet. So it’s no surprise that a lot of folks have different opinions on which one is the best, the most memorable, and the most deserving of praise. But did you know all the little details about the game(s) and its fandom? Probably not, so the above 6 hour video will deep dive you into some of the most iconic games of the series to date. For the boomers out there, it will probably invoke some good nostalgia while the younger generation might be inspired to check out what all the fuss is about.
During my physical rehab the last 2 months, I had a lot of time on my hands to revisit some of my older hobbies I had back when I was in college. One of these hobbies was making miniatures and associated themed scenery. Back then DIY kits were really cheap, and the materials you needed were strictly up to you. Kits were basically a set of detailed instructions on “what to do” with suggestions on what materials you could use and how to create certain effects. Nowadays things have become a lot easier (but still challenging) to make these little miniature sets, so I thought I would link you some relaxing videos of folks who are really good at building these things. The BJD bunny girls are extra cool and related to miniatures, since they adhere to the 1/12 scale standard. I’ll probably deep dive into this topic one day when I have the time or the platform to do so, but in any case I hope you find it somewhat interesting nonetheless.
Going to give a well deserved throwback to my boy EmpLemon and his thought provoking videos. I don’t want to add too many words to explain this video because I think it explains itself. If you typically skim by most of my content (or are new to the site), I highly recommend you watch this video above all else in this month’s update because it hits home the most for me and possibly you as well. It’s the type of pop-culture philosophy that I try to spread on my toast every morning.
Starfield technically releases in September, but because it’s one of the biggest game announcements for the entire year I think it’s worth mentioning now a month away. I’m a long time Bethesda fan due to the open world nature of their games and the modding communities that always form around them. Once modding becomes mature for a certain game, you can literally gets hundreds of hours of additional content. In any case I look forward to a ton of bugs and user frustration on Day 1 launch of Starfield alongside everyone else. It wouldn’t be a Bethesda game after all if I didn’t have a ton of glitches at launch, but that adds to the charm in my opinion!
I know that a lot of my long time followers from YouTube are always looking for new games to play. I just want to throw it out there that times are changing rapidly, and that some new games (that would of been on mobile normally) are now coming out on the PC platform first before going over to mobile. There are always new things to test, and you don’t have to wait for me to try them out. Especially if they’re the “free to play” variety and often times in a different language. Although the game above “White Clothes” is not a dedicated lewd game (what I usually look for), it is obviously booba focused enough where I gave it a shot. And although I had no idea what was going on, the fact that the entire game is free (literally - it’s not a gacha) on Steam is quite amazing.
Artist is coa (u6u612)
Artist of the month is coa (u6u612)! A tribute to one of the characters from Destiny Child which announced its closure date for September 2023. You can read more details about in the Mini News section on my site. Moving forward from this point on, make a habit of bookmarking the Mini News section as I might be a lot more active there because of the recent YouTube debacle. If I see the visitors go up, I’ll probably start being a lot more active. Better yet, I have (almost) complete creative control, so you’ll know it’ll be good. See you next month, stay safe!