Starting off the week with a first impression video from Stix on a new gacha game “Cat Fantasy”. It’s a short video and should give you a good idea whether or not this might be interesting to you. I did have this game on my radar for a while since it does have good graphics (of course), but it sounds like it might not be the most engaging on the gameplay front. I probably will try it out anyway and see if it sticks or not. Still, it’s out now and you can check it out.
I tacked onto last week’s update that Horizon Walker (from the devs of Last Origin) is now out in Korea and you could play it if you wanted to. If need a refresh on how to do so, just literally go to last week’s update and watch the video at the very end for all the relevant information. You could also join Last Origin’s Discord server in the “other games” category for a pinned message that would detail the instructions in a written format. I just thought I would formally announce it again this week and link a video that shows actual combat and the overall vibe of the game.
This is a funny and friendly reminder that prudism is alive and well in the world, and that it doesn’t come from just one source. I think it’s very easy for younger folks to quickly point the finger at one particular group of people and say they’re the reason why we can’t have nice things. I can tell you from my experiences growing up and dealing with everyone you can imagine; prudism has no single affiliation. It comes from all sides, and it’s a headache to this day. More details in the audio blog, but this was literally “shame” reviews for a ball-joint-doll on Amazon that had risqué clothing. Literally a doll, not even an anime figure mind you.
Artist of the week is cleverly related to both topics above! The lovely figure you see is from designers Soda Studio. The character is Cerestia from Last Origin (the devs behind Horizon Walker). This figure is not the one I was referencing in the above review post by the way, as this is an explicitly NSFW 18+ anime figure and labeled / sold as such. If folks were going to scream “muh values!” on anything, it would be understandable if it was about this figure than the much more innocent item being sold on Amazon. Such is life!