Back From The Brink To End Out The Year

I’m one of those individuals who don’t get sick for a long time. So when I finally come around to catching a bug, it’s a really bad one! So my apologies for the lack of updates to the site; hopefully the worst is behind me and I can get back to bringing you more interesting stuff to look at.

I’m not going to sugar coat words; 2019 for me was a dry year for video games. Outside of a few niche interests that I’m currently exploring at the moment - it really hasn’t been anything jaw dropping. A few games I’m looking forward to are still a long way away in development. These titles include Biomutant, Cyberpunk 2077 and Shin Megami Tensei V. By the way SMTV has not been cancelled contrary to click bait Youtube folks going ham on the rumor. I’m going to link official trailers for all 3 games below just to remind folks why I’m looking forward to these games and hope they get a 2020 release.

The last mention of gaming in 2019 for me is a shout out to a YouTube channel whom I’ve been following for quite some time. Primarily focused on mobile games and Waifus, FG3000 is a good example of someone who puts out a lot of content relevant to his audience. Although he doesn’t dabble into international games (which I’m keen to), he does cover all English / Global releases on a consistent basis and is an excellent source of news on games coming out on mobile if you share the same interests.

There aren’t going to be any major change-ups for 2020 here on the site nor on the YouTube channel. It is completely my fault however for neglecting (and downright forgetting) about the monthly “what we’re up to” sections of the site in which I plan to correct starting next year. It has been obvious that Clover over on Twitch has significantly slowed down in streaming; but that is because she is increasingly moving up her in actual career and that’s causing a lot more responsibilities to be dumped onto her. Also the lack of “pretty anime games” has been a big detriment for her to stream! We’ll both be looking towards 2020 to see if anything new catches our interest in that regard.

I wish I had a lot more interesting things to post to end out the year; but frankly speaking it’s been a rough December. January 25th is lunar new year so hopefully by the end of next month I’ll have something for you folks to chew on! Take care of yourselves until then, and Happy 2020.

Update 12/31/2019

One last thing before the year ends. I’ve cleaned up The List section of our site to remove invalid or outdated links. If you happen to come across something no longer there - please let me know! Thanks and happy new year!

Lewd Robots & Happy Holidays

Sorry for the late update folks - but it’s been a busy November going into December for me! Lots of stuff happened between the last update and the one I’m typing now; so this one is going to be brief.

First of all the business side of things. If you haven’t checked out the YouTube channel yet, there was a recent update with a mobile game that I personally found interesting as well as quite friendly F2P (free to play). That game is Last Origin and I did a mini quick start guide for those who were interested and wanted to play the game in English (partially translated). The video can be found right here. The English Discord for the game is the place to be for all of your potential questions you may have starting out, so I highly recommend you check it out.


Ever play a RPG game for hours on end and realize what an incredible journey it was from start to finish? How about we take all those moments, throw them out the window and run through the entire game quicker than most people take to name their first character? That’s what the fine folks over at RPG Limit Break have been doing to great effect and a great resource on RPG speedruns with detailed commentary. They also have a website should you be more interested in the history of their organization and what they are trying to do. I’ve been going through their archives for the last few weeks in the background as I get other work done, and I think you might find something you may have played once as a child (or an adult) recently that might catch your interest. I’ll make an appropriate update to The List as usual.

I’ll be doing another update at the end of the year before it closes out. So until then, have a good one!

Nothing Super Spooky But Maybe Somewhat Sexy?

I find myself at odds with this October update; chiefly because I have nothing really Halloween related to report. None the less I’ll try to include something supernatural for those so inclined. Let’s start with a TV show I’ve been bingeing called “In Search Of

A quick history lesson about In Search Of (in which I’ll just abbreviate from here on out as ISO) is in order. ISO originally came out way back in 1977 to 1982 and was narrated / hosted by none other than Leonard Nimoy (rest his soul). It was a kinda creepy, yet documentary style tv series that looked into the world’s oddities. Fast forward to 2018, the show got a reboot now hosted by Zachary Quinto that follows the same premise; only with obviously updated material. I’m going to assume some if not most of you reading this blog have absolutely no idea this show existed, so I encourage you to use your powers of Google to find the complete original run to watch as well as finding the more recent episodes on your streaming platform of choice. It gets the BoxInACorner seal of approval for “entertaining stuff to run in the background while you do chores” category. Prestigious indeed.

Let’s move onto the waifu material. As I’m always in search of (ha!) the next best mobile game, I sometimes come across titles that are worth a look at simply for production values. That is to say, the game deserves some eyes on it because it looks absolutely gorgeous; even if the content is a bit shallow. Since a lot of you were here on this site during the Destiny Child (that I still play) / Dungeon Maker (that I no longer play) days, you’re all probably wondering what other side hustles I’ve come across since. One of those side hustles is Soul Ark Reboot.

Soul Ark Gif.gif

This game recently went through a “revitalization” patch which made it a lot more friendly to new players as well as F2P (free to play) players. It has pretty high production value overall with a relatively enjoyable combat system. It is of course at the end of the day riddled with micro-transactions to make your experience “optimized”, but I found it not to be detracting enough to turn me off from the game. There’s no VIP levels or any other obviously beneficial system to purchasing in game stuff; you simply buy what you’re impatient to wait for. If you like a lot of overly animated weird characters (and of course scantly clad waifus) you’ll be in for a treat.

The next game I recommend with trepidation - not so much as it is anything overwhelmingly bad as it is unproven yet to the critics at the time of me publishing this update. That game is The Outer Worlds and is the same team behind Fallout New Vegas (one of my favorite of the franchise).

The game will be launching on October 25th 2019 worldwide and will be available on multiple platforms except the PC. Technically it is available on the PC, but only “exclusively” on the Epic Game Store for the first few months; if not year. That may be a deal breaker for some (and I understand fully if it is), but I just wanted to note that EGS hasn’t given me any real headaches since I’ve used it. Granted I only own one game on it (Borderlands 3) but for what it’s worth so far, it works as intended.

Not sure if Clover is going to do a Halloween stream this year since her schedule is always changing for the worst - but keep checking the Twitch notifications around Halloween weekend just in case she pops on and pops out her pumpkins (and I mean boobs) as usual. See you all next month!

Back From Vacation - Not Much Else New

Finally settled in after a week long vacation in Hawaii. This being our 2nd time back to the islands, it really was quite shocking to see how fast the world is modernizing. When we first went to Hawaii it felt like another time and place. However on our 2nd trip back things seem a little bit more developed to the point of almost imitating Los Angeles. I’ve heard similar things from other travelers around the world in the past 10 or so years. I do hope some places retain their originality in an increasingly homogenizing planet.

Me and Clover have started our Borderlands 3 run; and much to our expectations the game is fun but not really that much different from Borderlands 2 / TPS. We did a single stream a few days after our return, but it wasn’t really that exciting. We’re going to play at our own pace and probably be more active with future streams once we unlock the harder difficulty levels or whenever Borderlands 3 releases more content in the future.

There really isn’t anything that sparks my immediate interest game wise or entertainment wise in the upcoming months. It’s been a slow sleepy September, and the vacation really added that whole “chill out” vibe to my life at the moment. I wish I had more interesting things to report on, but alas there hasn’t been much news outside of the usual celebrity / political internet drama(s) that I avoid regarding people I’ll never meet.

It wouldn’t be a blog update without mentioning someone far more interesting and hard working than me; so today I bring you Retail Archaeology.

As with my usual interest in all things of seemingly dying retail around the world, Retail Archaeology is a bit more local to my interests. The channel focuses on stores that I grew up with and still see barely hanging on today in face of Amazon’s omnipotent grip. I suggest you check out the channel to see how your local store might be faring, as well as international folks outside of the US can see how our country’s brick and mortar stores are fading. I’ve heard it’s been quite a niche topic of interest with the foreign crowd.

Let’s hope October brings a lot more interesting things to talk about. I’ll see you guys in the next update. And just a friendly reminder to take some time out in your life and relax.