Mechanical Gremlins In My Home

Rumors of my disappearance have always been greatly exaggerated. What is true however is that between the last update and now there has been numerous things breaking in my home. Not sure what’s going on, but the last 30 or so days have been busy with replacing stuff all around the house. I’m even paranoid about my fridges (we have two) since they also started recently “popping” on and off loudly whenever they power cycle. Just to highlight what has been broken and replaced for fun, I’ll make a quick list.

  • Folding Table

  • UPS Backup Battery x2

  • Stew Pot (Electric)

  • Numerous LED Light Strips

  • Wall Shelves

  • Various Phone Chargers

I guess it’s a good thing that it’s happening now rather than later; since me and Clover will be taking a much needed vacation in Hawaii from our daily grind in early September. We will be back on Twitch (hopefully) with the launch of Borderlands 3.

Moving onto people way more talented and interesting than me, I’ve been watching (and a fan of) LGR for quite some time now. Recently he’s been in top shape with two videos I highly suggest you (and anyone really) take a look at if you consider yourself any type of nerd. The 1st video is a look at a bizarre store / warehouse of old computer equipment that is brimming with stuff unseen by the world in what appears to be years. The 2nd video is a very detailed look at how it feels like to travel to E3. What’s nice about that footage is that all the mundane in-between about the experience are also on record. If you’ve never traveled to E3 (and possibly never will), it’s the best video I’ve seen so far that takes away the hype and boils down to what it really is. As always I’ll update The List with the new addition.

By the time the next update happens, we’ll be seeing you for the launch of Borderlands 3 on Sep 13th!

Geoff Robinson - Rest in peace (1985 - 2019)

I'm not sure how to begin this blog entry since I never thought I would write it anytime soon. Before I start, I want to make it clear that I never met Geoff in person nor interacted with him online in any way. I have always been (and will be) a quiet observer and fan of his since the moment I saw him back in 2011 for the first time. It's a bit hard for me to summarize in words how much Geoff helped influence my personality as it stands today.

Geoff was one of the first internet personalities I saw online that was genuine. Although this rubbed some people the wrong way, it was refreshing to see someone who wasn't afraid of it. There was always a frank and honest approach he had with his fans and detractors. It's something I know a lot of people respected about him; and it's something I admired and still do.

The more I try to put into words how he influenced my life, the more I realize it may start sounding a lot more selfish. To this end, I want to summarize that he was a good guy, and he had influence and reach across many people around the world. I happen to be one of them, and am honored to have been alive to see it as it happened.

Through whatever form of time and space that exists - Geoff if you're reading this somehow; know that I thank you. Rest in peace brother.

Geoff Robinson Final.jpg

Summer Time Begins With A Shake

The weather is starting to finally get warmer here in good o’l Los Angeles County, and no better way to bring in the summer with a couple of earthquakes. Me and Clover recently got a few good jolts thanks to the 7.1 magnitude earthquake that happened back on July 5th 2019. Nothing serious on our end, but it’s a good reminder we live in a earthquake prone area. It hasn’t stopped either; you can view the constant aftershocks since the event here.

Moving onto the gaming side of things, if you haven’t already played Bloodstained Ritual of the Night - consider this your friendly reminder to do so. It’s a fantastic game for anyone who enjoys platformers and anyone who enjoyed the Castlevania series back in the day. It’s even made by the same producer Koji Igarashi of the same fame; so you’re getting the real deal and not some dumpster fire “spiritual successor” that usually plagues sequels of games that have nothing to do with the original talent. I finished the game in a week and will be waiting for all the free DLC to be released before venturing back in again.

Do you believe that the only good bug is a dead bug? You’re not alone if you haven’t checked out Earth Defense Force 5 which was recently released on PC. What’s nice about EDF 5 is that it brings a lot of quality of life changes from 4.1 in the form of mobility as well as performance gains running on the PC. I didn’t mention this title for the PS4 (which I no longer own by the way) because it had low frame rates even on the pro version back then. Now that it is on steam, the game can utilize all that PC horsepower to render bug destroying debris in glorious 60fps. I highly suggest you check this series out if you haven’t heard of it at all before reading this blog post - it’s really fun in a campy 90’s sort of way. You can watch the horrendous trailer for the game below; it’s meant to be bad by the way!

Let’s close out the July post with another YT channel recommendation. As you know from my previous updates for The List, I have a thing for POV videos from people who have really expensive filming equipment. I always believe that one of the future benefits of VR is that folks will be able to see faraway places without actually being there. Until that technology matures itself, we can get a glimpse of it through the hard work of folks willing to lug around a DSLR or Mirror-less camera and take the shots. SoCal Attractions 360 is one of those folks, and they like to do theme park related videos of rides. So if you ever wondered if it’s “worth it” to wait for 90+ minutes in the sun for a particular attraction, you may want to check out their channel. Better yet, just go down a rabbit hole with me and enjoy the POV shots of various rides they’ve recorded. I’ll update The List accordingly for their channel as always.

Stella Maiden Has Launched!

Hey folks, just a quick update to let you know that Stella Maiden has launched!

Get the game on Android here

The developer MIST has updated the Facebook site and also created a Reddit page for the game you can see here. I’ve linked some of the media posted on the Facebook and Reddit so far - but please make sure to follow the official Facebook and Reddit for updates. I’ve re-uploaded the media content from both of those sites here for your convenience. Each one should open in a pop up. Best viewed on a computer! (Warning mobile users - it might take a while to load initially or be choppy!)