Waiting For The Heat And WHO Gamer Zombies

Strange to be experiencing cold and rainy weather here in California; especially considering it’s almost the end of May. That being said, I hope we’re all looking forward to the blazing heat and sunshine that (hopefully) should come soon. Speaking of which, let’s drop down the rabbit hole of one of my favorite esoteric subjects - the history of seemingly mundane theme park attractions! I’ve updated The List accordingly to reflect the newly added channels - so as always I recommend you head on over there if you’re new to the site. Expedition Theme Park and Theme Park History are the new additions.

For the gaming and anime side of things, I’ve also updated the related sections under Tree and Clover. By the way if you’ve been living under a rock, the WHO has classified gaming addiction as a “disease”. I fully expect to utilize my newfound powers in light of this discovery by biting people randomly on the neck or arm and turning them into mindless gamers who themselves will continue to spread the disease. WHO (get it?) would of thought that Mario would be the real cause of the Zombie apocalypse? All hail the oncoming Doritos and Mountain Dew inspired end of days!

Heir of Light (link in the picture) has been my new mobile jam for a while. Recent updates and a considerably revamped F2P model has made the game a lot more accessible than it was at launch. If you’re looking for a new game to sink your teeth into for a while before the big Stella Maiden drop later this year, I would suggest it a good thing to hold you over for a bit. Just make sure to look up the re-roll guide to get the stronger units early on to help you on your way.

That’s it for this brief update! See you next month with hopefully even more weird stuff from the web.

Sluggish Slow and Sleepy April

I bring this exciting April update with a picture of a bunny. Yes - this site has become everything you hate about the internet and have succumbed to being another click bait farm. Too bad I don’t have any advertisers or any actual real income, cause I probably could of made a fortune I tell ya!


The only thing I can think of that may be remotely interesting to visitors here is the fact that Persona 5 Royal has been given a release date! The game will be out on 10/31/2019 for Japan and an undisclosed date of sometime in 2020 for the rest of the world. If Persona seems like a familiar word here on the site, it’s because I wrote a lengthy article on Persona 5 confidants 2 years ago. Not only am I gobsmacked that much time has passed since I sat down with a ton of coffee to write that article, but I’m also looking forward to the new version of the game. By all the things I’ve seen so far, it really is looking different enough to warrant another play through. Granted I don’t speak a lick of Japanese so it’s going to be a long time before I get revisit the game again, but I at least thought it was cool to acknowledge for those who may be interested. If you’re just looking for some NSFW artwork of the new character Kasumi in the upcoming game, I highly suggest you visit here and thanks for stopping by my site anyway. Don’t forget to buy that artist a Coffee either.

Moving on to more game related news, the highly anticipated (at least to me) Stella Maiden is nearing completion and will be coming soon to the west within the next couple of months. I really do believe this game is going to be a heck of a mobile title worth looking into as the beta preview I did of it was fantastic. If you’re impatient and want to play it now - you can do so by looking for the English variant on the Asia Google Play store. Just keep in mind it’s not the official English version being worked on by the developer.

Artist is InstantIP and you can click on the image to go to their site!

Artist is InstantIP and you can click on the image to go to their site!

Closing out this extremely game heavy update (cause once again - it’s been pretty slow news other than humanity taking a picture of a black hole for the first time) I have a YouTube recommendation for those who like Arcade games of yore. Mikado Game Center is an actual working arcade that you can visit right now; that is of course if you travel or live in Japan. Their YT channel is very active with live streams that they do almost on a daily basis, and it’s a nice trip down memory lane if you’re an old fart like me who use to throw quarters at arcade cabinets back in the 90’s.

See you in the next update! Don’t forget to go outside once in a while either.

We're Getting Older In Mind; Younger In Body

Happy birthday to us? Me and Clover both turned a year older in March. To that end we’ve decided to clean up the site a bit and keep the good vibes going for 2019! Excuse us while we restructure both ourselves and the content.

The schedule on the site is now no longer available as we have no real use of it anymore. When we first started the website, Clover specifically wanted to stream on a schedule since she believed she would have the time (and willpower) to do so. Unfortunately things didn’t pan out that way and it turned into a sporadic listing of things that I did on YouTube alongside her very brief intermittent streams. I’m thinking of adding an additional page down the road that would feature some type of content (perhaps news of some sort?) but I’m going to have to think it over a bit so that it’s something interesting to work on while being still related to us. Maybe a “What we’re watching / playing right now” might be a good idea, but we’ll see.

Onto the more exciting parts of the internet, this month we’re bringing you technology you never knew existed. And no I’m not talking about futuristic Elon Musk level technology; more so I’m talking about things we as a society briefly used and then threw out with the garbage like last year’s flagship cell phone. The channel is called Techmoan and you can get a juicy sampler down below of what he has to offer. If you like what you see, we encourage you to check out the rest of his videos and we’ll make sure to give him a proper link on The List.

On the game front we have an interesting piece of news in the form of an announcement for Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines 2 (what a title). The original game was heralded as a cult classic among PC rpg fans back in the day when Troika games were still alive. Myself personally I had very fond memories playing as a sexy, demented Malkavian running through the streets of Los Angeles and was one of my greatest experiences in a role playing game at the time. Unfortunately as I’ve gotten older, the years have tempered my expectations for any sequel of any game to be as good as the first; and I treat this announcement overall with a lot of trepidation. Although the original writer for the game (Brian Mitsoda) is back at the helm directing the story, I can’t help but wonder how many other influences have seeped their way in considering it’s a Seattle based studio (Hardsuit Labs) in charge of putting the thing all together now. It’s funny that in the next installment of the series you play as a “thin-blood” Vampire whose powers are greatly diminished; as it’s some sort of possible correlation on how the game itself might be in terms of quality against the original. Time will tell I guess, but none the less they’ve got my attention so far.

If you’re interested in the game but don’t actually have the time to play through it, I HIGHLY suggest this text commentary play through of the original game. This has got to be one of the greatest, put-together runs I have ever seen on YouTube of any game; and I can only hope and pray one day that the runner decides to do another similar series for the game’s sequel.

That’s it for now and this brief update. We’ll be seeing you around next month! Here’s some VTMB art to close it all out. (Artist is Omri Koresh and you can visit his official website here)

Jeanette Voreman Omri Koresh.jpg

Don't Let Something As Simple As Life Stop You

Its been quite a rainy season where I live, and a lot of days being forced indoors sometimes gives you a different perspective of the world. Especially when you decide to say “screw it” and go outside and embrace the deluge and go about your day as if it was clear and sunny.

That introduction to this month’s update is kinda of a metaphor for just doing something you wouldn’t normally do; and kinda of the crux of the theme for the following content I’m about to talk about.

First let’s start off with the biggest example of not giving a shit (while staying productive) with a man who has done so most of his life to great success. That man is David Goggins; and if you haven’t heard about his book / audio-book yet - you’re in a for one hell of a story. I’ll link you to official site which will branch you off to whatever platform you find comfortable for digital books or audio-books (which I highly recommend nowadays for any literary material frankly). Just click on the picture and stop overthinking things.

Let’s hop on over to the slightly paranormal world of 2013 and talk about a (in my opinion) fantastic TV series that unfortunately never got a 2nd season. This show is called “I wouldn’t go in there” and its host Robert Joe visits a myriad of places in Asia that have a troubled history that leads to current day urban legends. You can find more of a synopsis on the official site here (although it’s a bit dated) or you can just simply watch it over on Amazon if you have prime membership here. I’ve also decided to link to Robert’s personal homepage cause he’s a cool guy and working on some projects at the moment that might peak your interest if you become a fan of the show.

What monthly update wouldn’t be complete without me trying to shoehorn some type of video game in here? As I said last month and I’ll say it again this month… the fires are really dying with me in terms of getting some interest going with the current video game climate. If it’s not another Battle Royale type game, it’s probably some other overly produced, over budget game with (insert random) politics thrown in somehow to further alienate me from even looking at it.

That being said, I did stumble upon a fairly cute mobile game called “Triple Fantasy” (formerly known as Arcane Straight) that might interest some folks here who came here from my Dungeon Maker tutorials. The lack of waifus and husbandos may be a turn off for some however! If this game had bare pixelated chests (for all its characters - I don’t discriminate) I might of done a YouTube video series on it. As it stands now however, it gets a honorable mention on the o’l website since it’s quite a fun family friendly game that anyone should be able to pick up. As I mentioned earlier, I usually avoid games that look like this simply due to the fact that there are SO MANY OF THEM on the Google Play Store. However, I took a chance (the theme of this update) and it turned out to be a pretty fun game all things considered. It even got editor’s choice - for what’s that worth I guess. Link is in the picture as always.

Since I talked about exercise last month, it’s only fitting I talk about food this month to close out the update. Let’s talk about one particular competitive eater Yuka Kinoshita. If you ever wanted to see someone probably half the size of you be able to put away food that seems fit to feed a NFL professional football team… prepare to be amazed! I’ll also make sure to add her on the list. Her channel is linked via the YouTube video below.

Have a good one folks, and i’ll see you next update!