Another year older and another year in the books. March is my birthday month and things up until now have been pretty sleepy outside of unfortunate world events. So during this downtime, perhaps it’s a good moment to take a look at some more slow burning topics before spring hits us full force. As always the audio portion of the blog is going to be much more detailed with nuance, while the written portion is brief with links to all the stuff I’m talking about.
I think we could all use some lighter news to start off March, considering the heavier things that have been going on. So I’m going to try and stick to lighter end topics and video games to smooth things over. Let’s start off with some pretty hardcore nerd stuff - right from the nerd capital itself in Japan! The following video is just a nice walk around tour of a store in Osaka called Den Den Town. I can’t imagine visiting a place like this without emptying out my bank account.
Going back in time a bit, one of my first videos on my YouTube channel was talking about a game called Planet Master. The developer at the time was simply called MIST, but now goes by MIST MSG. I’ve been in contact with MIST MSG over the years very briefly, but have always kept tabs on what has been happening with them since I really enjoy the games they make in terms of originality. Although nothing (of major note) has been released by them lately, I still wanted to shout them out for being great artists on the side! So for my monthly dose of lewd anime stuff, here’s some nice eye candy artwork courtesy of MIST MSG.
Although I retired long ago from the MMO scene, I still enjoy a relaxing slow paced jRPG from time to time. It’s really hard to find folks who are passionate about this genre without being overly invested into the franchises they’re sometimes based on. So I was glad to come across a YouTube channel that does a pretty good job talking about jRPGs in a pretty concise and informative way. In any case I hope you take a look at their backlog of videos if you’re also a fan of these type of games and perhaps you might find something up your alley.
Let’s get something out of the way that’s been in the news for a while. I don’t like talking about drama stuff in general (especially politics), nor do I like engaging in it for entertainment purposes. But there comes a time when something has to be addressed, especially since it has impacted so much news surrounding anything regarding pop culture and video games. It’s NFTs, and it’s slowly being considered by most the new taboo “N” word to say or mention. I’m not going to give you my take on NFTs, but what I am going to do is to give you a video to watch and to make your own conclusions once you’ve finished. It’s a LONG video, but as I said - it’s a slow burning month outside of world news. Learn yourself something and hopefully take away something useful from it. I know I did and everyone else that watched it.
Last stuff on the agenda is rather useless on the grand scale of things, but it has to do with my YouTube community tab. Some of you who visit that place often may have noticed that recently as of late, a lot of my posts will show up momentarily for a few hours before disappearing. I want to set the record straight that I absolutely do not delete anything posted there unless I say so in the post. To this date, I only ever have deleted one post that I forewarned would be gone after a while. Other than that, nothing has been voluntarily deleted by me. To this end, I’m constantly learning what I can and can not get away with on YouTube on a daily basis. And it seems to me that the things that I type in the post weigh heavily on what gets deleted RATHER THAN what image is posted. So in other words, if a post survives 24 hours, there’s a good chance it’s there to stay. In a nutshell, the number one thing I have noticed getting posts deleted is the fact that I mention something in recent news (a trending topic) or I link a site that YouTube deems to be “adult” orientated. This also includes social media sites where the author has tagged their profile as “adult” or “18+”, that would lead to the post being deleted. So from this point forward, I’m going to name the artists I post and give credit where its due, but unfortunately, I may have to start stopping linking to them. It’s a shame, but it’s the only way I can proceed forward without my stuff being thrown away. In any case, if you see a Goblin Shortstack girl in my community posts - that’s code for “my previous post got deleted, here’s a cute goblin girl”!
Artist is Umbra / Krokobyaka