It’s been a very tiring month for me physically since I had a lot of spring cleaning to take care of. I’m not talking about your run of the mill stuff either; more like landscaping the entire backyard and removing things sitting on the property for over 10 years. Once the dust (literally) settled, I realized I had little time to look for new stuff on the horizon and had to fall back on my usual routine. So this month I’m going to be revisiting things I suggested you all take a look at in past updates; preferably ones from long ago that many of you probably didn’t know about since this website is now going on 4 years old!
Artist Hyulla
First off, let’s start with a game that I’ve been recommending since I started my site and to everyone I meet personally. This game is called Destiny Child, and it’s something I still play to this very day even though I never once covered it on my YouTube channel. DC is available in 3 versions (Korean, Japanese, Global) and as with all recommendations I give out - I always advise checking out the original first before branching off to the variants. This is because the original DC is uncensored and has the added benefit of having a very large fan base that not only actively mods the game, but can translate it to other languages via an app as well. The app is called Mammon’s Mite and should work on most Android platforms that aren’t running the latest version. It should work on most emulators though. So with all things considered, you get to play the original version of DC and have access to an English (or Russian) patch as well as user mods in one convenient place; it’s hard not to love.
You will not see a lot of coverage on this game from various YouTube channels or even websites. It’s called Last Origin and I’ve been playing this religiously every day without fail ever since I started. Simply put - it’s way too lewd for them to handle, and the fear of demonetization or advertising lost from partners is guaranteed. Luckily I don’t fall under those restrictions, and this is why I recommend every single soul out there to check out the game. There’s also a strong possibility that an English release is going to be out later this year. It’s probably going to be censored, but that shouldn’t stop you from trying it out and getting the hang of the mechanics. Once you do, you can go to the Korean version and play the game as it’s mean to be. Trust me when I say the differences in artwork is vast among the censored and uncensored. I more than likely will be revisiting the game on YouTube once the English is out to raise awareness; and more importantly let folks know there’s a superior version right around the corner should they look.
Just as a reminder, I’m always working on looking at new games and testing them whenever possible. Artery Gear Fusion (the game in the video above) for example, is something I’m well aware of.
If you’ve seen a game that looks amazing (and has a good dose of Waifus in it), chances are I’ve probably seen it too or am looking into it. The reason why I don’t say anything is because of two main reasons. The first one is that the game is probably in some type of testing phase itself. This includes Alpha, Beta, or region soft launch. All of these things violate my own personal rule of talking in detail about a game that is virtually not released yet or guaranteed to be released. We all know the frustration with release dates, more so when they are broken. We also know the frustration with announcements of an announcement of a reason why something can’t be done or why there is another delay. So I only try and talk about games that are either released and you can play it, or something imminent in the near future within a couple of months that has a high likelihood of being released.
The 2nd reason is much more simplistic, and that the game doesn’t meet my own personal standard to recommend and talk about. I try to adhere to the old idiom, “If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all”. To avoid drama with particular fan bases, I just stay quiet and move on. It’s a policy that has served me well to this day and I don’t foresee myself changing this attitude anytime in the near future. So although I do test a lot of games and occasionally mention them on YouTube, nothing really comes out of it unfortunately and I just have to move onto the next game.
Moving onto YouTube recommendations; I love channels that talk about esoteric things that are equally fascinating. I’m a lover of urbex (urban exploring), retro things, and unusual history about mainstream places. So in order of recommendations, I suggest you all check out Dan Bell, LGR, and Defunctland respectively. You can find all these channels on The List under the YouTube section. I’ll link some of my favorite videos below from each channel to give you a taste of what they have to offer. More importantly, it’s a reminder to tell you guys to check out the rest of the things on The List; especially the YouTube stuff since it’s easy to digest material. So put on some high quality headphones, take off your shoes and get comfortable and lost into some random stuff.
That ends this month’s retro-update. Hopefully I’ll have some new exciting stuff to talk about next time. As always a reminder that if you want some mini updates from me, feel free to check out the YouTube community tab on my channel.