Let’s start off with a happy new year and lunar new year at the same time. I decided to skip January’s update because absolutely nothing of interest happened in that entire month for me. Instead of filling dead air with random nonsense, I decided to post pone any news until (hopefully) something more interesting came my way and luckily it did. So let’s post the obligatory anime lewd new year picture and get on with what’s been going on! It’s the year of the ox by the way - so naturally everyone is drawing lewd cow girls.
Artist Credit blueorca
It’s been a long while since I posted anything paranormal related, so I wanted to correct that mistake. And today I have a YouTube channel actually worth checking out that isn’t clickbait nonsense. It’s called Small Town Monsters and is part of a very down to earth crew of paranormal researchers doing their best to chronicle the spooky stuff out there. What’s nice about this particular team is that they’re still in their infancy stage, and do not have the “taint'“ of major television network editing and hyperbole that most paranormal content creators suffer from. They recently released one of their earlier documentaries on their channel for free, and you can watch it below if you like it in its entirety.
If looking for a giant hairy monster in the woods is not your cup of tea, perhaps watching someone carefully crafting a miniature house would be? Strange to suggest I know, but after the ruckus of 2020 I saw a lot of people get riled up for various reasons. I feel like we all can slow down a bit and take the time to enjoy the little things in life. Literally. So my next YouTube channel suggestion involves a craftsman who deals in making miniatures with inexpensive dollar store materials. It’s pretty fascinating to see what comes out of their ingenuity and a relaxing watch for a rainy afternoon or something right before bed. The channel name is Hanabira工房 and it will be added to The List.
Onto the gaming stuff. I mentioned this a lot in my previous updates, but since it gets buried over time I realized it’s worth mentioning again. I use to play SHMUPS a lot in my childhood and they always have a sentimental place in my gaming heart after all these years. Even though I’m far removed from the “scene”, I still look up playthroughs and keep tabs on some of the news relating to them. I was astounded to find out that a popular SHMUPS series R-Type is actually getting another title in their lineup when they were supposedly done with their last installment. The game is called R-Type Final II, which is pretty funny considering they are taking a page out of the Final Fantasy playbook by not actually being the last game ever made by the developers. I’m especially excited about this release because it’s going to be on multiple platforms including PC. Because I long ago sold off all of my consoles and only game on PC at the moment, my options are limited in what I can play when it comes to niche titles. None the less you can check out the latest trailer below (it doesn’t show much but it’s something) and supposedly the release date is going to be April 29th 2021.
I know most of the folks who visit this site are curious wanderers from my YouTube channel. So I always make sure to include some form of mobile gaming news on my updates so they don’t leave in utter disgust with all of my other interests! So without further delay, I am currently testing a game called Red Pride Of Eden which is actually getting a global release (supposedly) sometime this year in 2021. The game is already out in Japan but has a somewhat (from what I can tell) small player base and isn’t well known. Without talking too much about it, it’s one of the better quality of life focused games out there that I have tested to this date. You literally can pop on and do everything you need to do in 15 minutes. On the other hand, it’s one of the most brutal (in terms of summon rates) games I have ever experienced in the last 2 years of mobile gaming! So I’ve decided to test the game longer than I usually do to see if it gets any better. You however are more then welcome to try out the JP version if you like right now regardless of my opinion. No VPN is required and any Android platform of your choice should work just fine. You can get it here.
Artist credit DSマイル
A final thing I want to mention about my YouTube channel and those who subscribe to me and check out my community tab. YouTube has a strange algorithm and bot who “shadow bans” content it finds “questionable” but not rule breaking. This is very frustrating for someone like me since a lot of content that I potentially push out falls within this category. Keep in mind that none of my stuff is monetized voluntarily as well, yet YouTube still pushes quite a standard on content creators who are in the same zone as I am. It’s also is a bitter pill to swallow when they announced adding ads on videos this year regardless if the creator enables monetization or not. In any case, I just want to throw this message out there that sometimes you may not get any notifications at all about the stuff I push out because of this censoring bot. I have no control over any of this and it’s as frustrating to me as it may be potentially be to you. All I can say is that if you do fancy what I have to say or what I’m doing, it’s best to just bookmark my community tab and check up on me once in a while. That way you won’t miss a post or video that I exclusively post on there. I’m also going to change things up a bit now by posting videos on the community tab without using their baked in system - because that system is what censors me and shadow bans the notification in the first place. I am going to make a regular post and then link the video directly so it bypasses (for now) the bot. As always I am open to chatting with you guys, so feel free to post anything on any of my community stuff regardless of the subject. If I can answer it - I will try. With all of that being said and done with, let’s look forward to a more productive and interesting 2021. Happy new year and lunar new year to all of you! Character below is completely unrelated to anything I have posted. I don’t even watch the anime - I just like the character design! Her name is Ghislaine Dedoldia and I’m sure you can find more of her if you wanted to.
Artist Credit ぺぺジイ