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February 2022 Audio Blog
It’s De Ja Vu time for celebrations, since February 1st is the start of the lunar year of the Tiger. It doesn’t matter if you observe the holiday or not, just enjoy the festivities and (hopefully) the food if you have access to it. In any case it seems like it’s been a hot minute since I all last talked to you folks so let’s bring in the year with some random stuff I want to talk about.
Also, for all of 2021 on my website I use to post a related video or picture and then talk about the subject. I think this method may be weird for some folks, so I’m going back to the more conventional way of talking about something and then linking an image or video related to it.
As always, the written portion of the blog is extremely brief. I add a lot of commentary and nuance in the audio portion, so take a listen if you have the time!
Artist is Obui
I wanted to talk about this subject back in my 2021 retrospective, but couldn’t find the space to squeeze it in. More than likely over the recent holiday season, all of you might have gotten a few speakers, headsets, earphones, earbuds, or microphones as presents. I know a lot of folks were asking for these things since most of the populace during 2020 had to stay indoors, and ever since then there’s been a growing demand for it. Although I find myself an easy to please person when it comes to audio hardware (at least the listening side of things), I’m sure most of you out there might have heard at one time or another random jargon when people talk about it. Bloom Audio has a concise written guide on all the lingo you need to educate yourself with. So the next time some obnoxious hipster recommends some crap earphones - you can lay the smack down on their pumpkin spice Capuchino drinking ass!
One of my favorite things to have running in the background at all times are podcasts. This is true when I’m doing chores, working on mundane work-related tasks, or when I’m grinding in games. So it’s no surprise that I enjoy listening to stuff that isn’t too distracting (like real world events or politics) but at the same time engaging enough to actually care about the subject. And what better subject material than the weird and spooky stuff? Better yet, some of it is actually based off historical events! Then my dear visitor I have a podcast you might be interested in, called Supernatural with Ashley Flowers. Every episode dives into the weird and mysterious world of paranormal events and unsolved crimes with an unusual twist. I highly suggest you give it a try to bring some perspective in your day-to-day life.
Also on Spotify
Whenever the opportunity arises, I make my intensions clear that I have an absolute fondness for monster girls (NSFW). So, it was shocking to me to find out when my favorite database of all things related to such was going to shut down permanently back in late 2021. Thankfully through the hard work of like-minded individuals, the new wiki is up and running for all to enjoy for years to come! If you’re new to this prestigious club, feel free to click here to see what random waifu you can claim as your first.
Artist is Barbariank
One little thing known about the Nintendo Switch is that it actually has a few lewd games on it. Since I just talked about monster girls, it’s fitting to transition into talking about an upcoming Nintendo Switch release that is a reboot of an ecchi game on the Vita back in 2016. This game is called Seven Pirates H and is a westernized (and to my knowledge still uncensored) version of the 2016 game. You can watch a review for the vita version below for all the details. Keep in mind the Nintendo Switch H version might have more stuff added to it, so just take note of that in case you’re curious on picking it up.
There hasn’t been much news on the mobile gaming front for January into February. This is typical for this time of year since newer releases generally wait for a spring or summer release. If you ever heard of “End of Q1” schedule for example, it typically means you might find a game out on the market by the end of April even if it seems to indicate a late March arrival. To that end, I wanted to bring up a talking point briefly in regard to a well-known saying circling around the gacha gaming community. This saying often states that “there are no bad games if you don’t pay anything”. Naturally you can infer that I am in complete disagreement with this statement, as it tends to be a typical lazy platitude like saying that doesn’t address nuance of products placed in the market and how they got there. In a nutshell, there are a lot of games that flood the market to capitalize on a trend or fad. Worse yet, some of these games do so by stealing assets from established IP of other games or media. This has a domino effect of leading unsuspecting gamers to think that the game they’re playing is the origin source of such material and thus any favorable attitude towards the game becomes defensive rather than indignant. In any case, Gamer’s Nexus did a recent video on a similar tangent in regard to consumer attitudes toward products and I would recommend a watch to help illustrate my own point. It may not be directly gacha gaming related, but it does help explain the attitude of some folks.